A point here in relation to BELIEFS and the tight grip each has on their beliefs as being the RIGHT belief and the belief that ALL other beliefs are WRONG and the damage this does to us as humanity...
I trust in my heart of hearts we can learn how to live within differences. We will get there in time... we will realize the true VALUE in diversity.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe there is ONE way for people to realize who they are as life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, with things that support me in my life, use them as any other religion wherein I think and believe my way is the oNLY way and all other ways are wrong and to within this, separate myself from others and other potentials that is here
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize, and understand that when I accept and allow an idea that there is only ONE way for life to realize itself as who it really is that I am equally accepting every other religion that thinks and believes the exact same thing, and so the atrocities that are done in the name of such religions
I forgive myself that I have not yet allowed myself to see, realize, and understand how diversity is key in our establishing harmony and equality on earth wherein we must give each other space to figure out for ourselves what is true and right for us without hammering to each other this idea that they are WRONG and only I have the right answer to their salvation
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create separation and division when I do not accept people for their beliefs and to think and believe they must submit to my belief before I will open my heart to them as my equal, as myself
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to treat others as I would have been treated which is to stand in their shoes for real which means to understand WHY people believe what they believe and how in attempting to dismantle their beliefs I am attempting to sway them from their own process of self-understanding and realization
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that it is not my responsibility to ensure others realize themselves as life, that it is only my responsibility to ensure I do so that I may be of service to others to realize but to not imply they cannot figure it out on their own or attempt to save them
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to worry more about others waking up them my own process of self-realization
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to distract myself with calling out other groups and to think and believe I have to "expose" other groups for what they are doing wrong or that's "problematic" instead of realizing, seeing, and understanding that I simply must live my truth and who I am will be revealed to see for all
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go to war with another group because I don't resonate with them or carry the same beliefs as them
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe war, fighting, confrontation, or any other form of disregarding LIFE as myself is an acceptable way to treat anyone or anything, in any circumstance or condition
I forgive myself that I have not yet allowed myself to see, realize and understand that there is no acceptable reason to justify fighting or going into conflict with another, not even differing beliefs
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create conflict, war, and bloodshed on earth because of having a belief in something unseen
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go to war and conflict and fight with my brothers and sisters as humanity as a whole, to actually fight against that which I can SEE and TOUCH and speak to and HEAR for something I cannot see or touch or hear
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sacrifice this physical reality and all its inhabitants for something I can not prove beyond my belief in it
I forgive myself that I have not yet allowed myself to see, realize and understand how it is not my job to wake people up but to create a space and a life and a reality where people can see what I am creating and Who I Am and can take note and notice something is different with me and it will be on their own onus to investigate and nothing is real for one until they've walked and lived it themselves
I forgive myself that I Have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that nothing teaches like experience and nothing is real until one decides for themselves and so I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe I must get others to see or realize themselves
When and as I see myself holding to my beliefs and perception about what works or doesn't in terms of supporting people on this planet, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand there is NO ONE way to get here... every moment for EVERY single person on this planet is a moment of opportunity to realize and so I commit myself to ensure I am establishing myself here, rooted in physical reality to show and express that which I am and that which is real and best for all so that I do not need to tell anyone what to do, I can simply live it and it is seen
I commit myself to stop all wars in relation to other individuals or groups as I commit myself to no longer participate in fighting with my family (the human family)
I commit myself to show we have different beliefs that work for us and still live in peace and harmony
I commit myself to show we do not need to go to war for thinking or believing different things
I commit myself to show the extent of my responsibility and the power others have in their own responsibility
I commit myself to living my truth so that I do not need to speak about it because it is seen as who I am as my living presence and expression.
Thanks. I enjoy reading and resonating within myself with your words. Living truth...Blessings.